Within a week, we could see the results of our work as the seedlings burst forth and spread their leaflets.

So too we have seen the results of other seeds we have planted. The footers for the new school and cafeteria are solidly in place, forming a strong foundation for the building yet to come.
The walls of the house we are building are rising higher each day. It won’t be long before Guillermo's family will be moving into a brand new house, something that would not have been possible without the help of HAF.

Yet, just as the rain threatened to wash away our seeds, so too have there been setbacks. On the way to Santa Clara today, our trusty van had a flat. No problemo. Freddy had it fixed within ten minutes. The first group up the mountain to plant found themselves with no bean seeds. Oops! No problemo. After a 20 minute rest, we had the beans in hand so planting could commence. Brian has struggled all week to procure the proper type of wood for his desk-making project. No problemo. After three days, the wood arrived and he was able to build his proto-type. Roxanne has struggled all week with arranging transportation, translators, and materials so that we could do our work effectively. Although it has been a headache at times, she has persevered and everything has fallen into place.

At the school in Santa Clara, Christa, Donald, and Roxanne helped with a fluoride treatment for the children. Just as the seeds flourished with the rain, this treatment will help strengthen the children, the future of Santa Clara.
Even as we have given, we have received. Today Guillermo's wife took pride in serving us bean soup for lunch, one of the best meals we have had thus far, and served with such love that we were humbled by the gift.
The school, cafeteria, house, bean-planting, fluoride treatments, the two sessions of VBS...all are about planting seeds, agape seeds that will take root both here in Honduras and back in the states as we are all nourished by our work here.
-written by Lila and Beth (too old to mention)
WOW! What a terrific word picture! Planting agape seeds in lots of ways. Thanks for those words from the heart.