Today’s events were very strenuous and we worked extremely hard. You all should be proud of us. We are. Actually, I’m just kidding...sorry.
Today was actually our day of recreation. We started the day with an extra hour of sleep. Needless to say, I was very excited and grateful for that privilege. After breakfast, we toured the new hospital in Quimistan that was funded by Mrs. Martha and Mr. Gary. It was a excellent facility and I was very impressed with the work that had been put into it and its outcome. Although most of us will miss the grand opening on June 22nd, Mrs. Roxanne and Cecelia will get to see it.
Another treat of the day was that we were able to visit the two houses that had been worked on last summer. I, personally, was not on that trip but it was a great experience to see the work that my friends had done and see the grateful looks on the families’ faces.
After lunch, we attended some massage therapy sessions. We started the experience with some aroma therapy followed by a hot rock treatment and culminated the experience with a hydro-therapeutic massage. Translated in Honduran, this means: traveling through a cow pasture, scrambling up boulders on the side of the waterfall, and sitting at the base of the waterfall with the spray pounding on our backs. It was a very relaxing experience. We were all impressed by Mrs. Roxanne’s leap of faith off the second tier of the waterfall into the cold water below. There was some screaming but I think she rather enjoyed it. We did our community service of the day by collecting a huge bag of trash from the area surrounding the waterfall so that others could enjoy the wonderful view.
Throughout the day, many of us exercised the availability of a volleyball net, some better than others, but here in Honduras everyone is a volleyball star. A little boy staying in a house on the compound played with us, although I believe he thought us to be a little insane when we started making up our own additions to the volleyball rules, some of these rules being the use of feet and running in circles while the ball was on the other side of the court.
A college student from San Pedro Sula who was a part of the Quimistan Valley Scholars program joined us for dinner and a couple games of volleyball and soccer this evening. We learned that he was studying to be an engineer and was very grateful for the opportunity to further his education.
All in all, today was filled with many new experiences and team building. Although we did not strengthen our actual muscles with physical labor today, we did strengthen our bonds with the community and each other. And as Ardyn reminded us in her devotion this morning, that is one step toward agape love.
God Bless,
~ Lauren (17)
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