First off I want to say thank-you to everyone who prayed for me and the team while we were down here. I also want to express my gratitude to God and my amazing teammates for the fun and success that we had on this trip. This year was a good bit different that my experience two years ago but God still managed to touch me on this trip. My love for Honduras was renewed through the expressions of gratitude and happiness on the faces of the Hondurans that we visited or helped in ways ranging from a smile to the beginnings of a cafeteria. Down here everything is different from things in the United States and to be down here is such a humbling experience that I will hold in my heart forever. I am sad to be departing from all of my new and old Honduran friends but I know that if God wills it I will return to this wonderful country as soon as possible.
Dios te bendiga, hoy y siempre. (God bless you, today and always.)
~ Lauren
Dios te bendiga, hoy y siempre. (God bless you, today and always.)
~ Lauren
I praise the Lord for opening the door for me to come and experience this trip to Honduras. Also thanks for the support of my family and friends and especially for your prayers. Before I came I asked God to open my eyes and heart to see his wonders and he did and I also saw things I have never seen before. Thanks to the team for showing me their love. I truly witnessed it for these ten days.
One thing the God taught me on this trip was to be who he wants me to be and just be myself.
God bless,

This Honduras trip has been absolutely amazing. Many people might ask, "Why pay so much money to do work?", or, "Why would you go to a different country when you could be doing so much work back in your own country." My answer? Just go to Honduras. I learned that it doesn’t matter where you minister Christ’s love, or who you share Christ with, as long as you have Christ in your heart.
The AGAPE slogan is "United By The Same Blood". This could not be more true. We are all the same. We all need to be cared for. We all need to see Christ. We all need love. Honduras has opened my eyes and opened my heart and shown me that we are all "united by the same blood." I have been blessed in so many ways to get dirty, sweat, and share Jesus with people thousands of miles away from home. Honduras is true agape love.
Once again, I feel like I have received so much more than I have given. For me, the most touching moment was this afternoon as we were saying our good-byes to the family we were helping in Santa Clara. Lyncho, one of El Abuelo’s right hand men, told us that he was grateful that we had come and helped with the building of the house, school, and cafeteria, but he was most grateful that we accepted his family’s gift of lunch yesterday. I can only imagine how much the food for the simple bean soup cost his family, probably more than they make in a week, yet they were proud to be able to serve us and thanked us for that opportunity! The grandmother of the family, Eloise, who stands about four feet tall, gave me hug after hug and kept asking if I would return next year. Truthfully, before this trip I was thinking this would be my last visit because I am not a big fan of sweat, dirt, and hard work, but after being with these people this week and experiencing their generosity, gratitude, and love, I don’t think I’ll be able to stay away. And El Abuelo? Cecelia said it best when she said, "If I didn’t believe in Jesus, I’d believe in El Abuelo!" He is a true Man of God!
Humbly, Beth
Honduras - Amazing People, Amazing Place. For people with so little in material wealth, the Hondurans are a most gracious and accepting people. It certainly has been inspirational to work with the people of Quimistan and Santa Clara. My experiences these past ten days are sure to remain with me for years to come. My hope is that others will take the opportunity to travel to Honduras on one of the upcoming mission trips. I am sure the trip will be worthwhile not only for the friends you will make but also for the sense that you are fulfilling Christ’s calling to help those who are in need.
- Regards, Brian
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." ~John 15:13
I will not forget the people I have met, here in Honduras. I am very grateful for my American friends (esp. CeCe), who welcomed me to the group, and for the Hondurans whom I got to know and grew quite fond of. They will truly be missed. I enjoyed my entire Honduras experience; however, the parts that stand out were all while spending time with or working alongside some great people. [Attached is a picture of us and our new friends Nelson and Miguel–preparing to plant bean seeds]
-Ardyn :)
"Half of the people can be part right all of the time,
Some of the people can be all right part of the time,
But all of the people can't be all right all of the time."
I think Abraham Lincoln said that, and that has absolutely nothing to do with my experience here in Honduras. Were I writing a paper for my English 4 class in 11th grade, I would probably have had to find some way to tie that in to my main idea. As I am not in that class, however, I will simply tell you how I feel, and that is that, for the third year in a row, the people have welcomed me here with arms wide open, my compatriots have been there with words of encouragement every step of the way, and guidance and protection has rained down from above endlessly. Which is an example of irony, because it is raining right now. But anyway, thanks to everything coming together perfectly, of course this has been another success of a trip and I hope we have made a difference in the lives of these awesome people here.
- Donald
This place of Honduras welcomes all who pass through and its people show contentment and joy, and they have the same capacity to be generous as that of people who can securely support their own family. Most of all, their graciousness and thankfulness for the work done for them is quite a nice gift, for as long as they are recipients of happiness and express joyous feedback, it is easier for others, such as the people of this group from abroad, to be granted with those feelings surpassed only by radiant beams of sunshine.
– Eric
This is my second trip to Honduras and from the moment I stepped off the plane, I felt like I was home. I have missed this country since my last trip and I am so happy to be back. Honduras is so different than Aiken and I feel like it suits me. The people here are so sweet and kind. Though they have many problems, they never let it ruin their mood. Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met were from here. It amazes me that their lives are so difficult but yet during worship, they praise the Lord for all of the blessings in their lives. I think we could all learn something from their faith.
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