Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Team Has Arrived

The next mission team arrived yesterday afternoon.  We're settled in, we've had a good night's sleep, and we're gathering for breakfast.  This morning we will join Martha in her Sunday School, and after lunch we will join the AP class.  We'll be looking for God moments today, and we'll be back to you soon.



  1. I pray for you, wish you well, know that you enjoy doing God's work. I wish I could be with you.

  2. Praise God for your safe arrival...prayers are being lifted for you all. Those of you that we know from Wilkesboro United Methodist Church as well as ALL of those involved in this mission. We thank you for being the arms and legs of Christ. Thank you for representing all of our hearts for the healing you can provide...those of you that are so courageous and willing to go to distant places to accomplish this. Thank you for being obedient to your calling.

    As I sit and type this, I have a big smile on my face, for in just knowing some of you, I know the incredible love of Christ that the people will be experiencing. In my spirit's eye, I can see their smiles and HOPE.

    God Bless you...stay safe, touch, love, and heal with the Holy Spirit that is alive in well of all of you.

    Hug and kiss, especially the little ones for us all.

    Thank you and God Bless you,

    Donna Marie
