Sunday, January 30, 2011


After an early day on Friday we had an uneventful but positive trip into the Quimistán area at Martha's Ranch.  We settled in and did a van ride around the town, then met our cooks and interpreters.   The last thing before bed was to try to get on the blog--but we just could not get our act together.

So after a night of rest, we've left the starting blocks.  To all of you in the land of winter it is beautiful here.  Trees are rich green, and many are in bloom.  We slept with windows open and under just sheets last night, and we're learning how to work the sun showers or just use a cold shower.

We spent the morning with Martha and her Sunday School.  It is conducted in an open shelter with over 100 youngsters for a three hour lecture Sunday School followed by a meal and play time.  She is a short and powerful woman who keeps your attention with her animation and ability to talk to everyone at once, young and old.  After her lesson on John the Baptist, we helped pass out lunch and then played games with the children.  A fun time was had by all.

Then back to the ranch for lunch and a short siesta.  At 2:00 we were back in the van and off to see the AP students at their Sunday meal and Bible study.  The older students met outside and the younger ones inside.  Even though we do not understand Spanish, it was so easy to see the dedication and motivation of the teachers on a "day off" from school.  These 50-odd students have been chosen by HAF as bright students needing financial help to stay in school.  At the Sunday sessions they get support, Bible instruction, and a hot meal.  Here we observed, helped serve, and interacted with the students after the meal.

The afternoon was so lovely we walked back to the ranch and enjoyed the country side.  Here we can see the mountains in the distance, much like some views in Wilkes County.  We sorted all the many precious donations packed in the trunks and extra suitcases.  It was almost like the loaves and fishes to see how everything worked out to be more than enough for all areas and equitable to all.  We all agreed that today was rewarding to each of us.

So tomorrow we head out to one of the villages, Texoxingales, about an hour and a half up the road. We will do vision testing and eyeglass fitting, teach tooth brushing and hand washing, and explore with various community representatives some items that our committees have asked us to follow up on .  We each have our jobs, from fitting patrons to looking after the children they bring with them.



  1. You will enjoy your time in Teo! Just think of all the good that Martha has done, her Sunday School was just a handful of students 3 years ago, and has grown to 3 meeting a week with about 300 in attendance weekly. You are serving the Lord in your work.

  2. Truer words, Alan, you have not spoken:)
    God will use anyone with a willing and an obedient heart.
    Thanks for the post which enable those of us at home to under gird your work in prayer.

  3. Good to hear things are going well. Change the world for Christ!
