Today was another great morning with the VBS Program. After a bumpy, windy, and at times muddy road trip up the mountain, we arrived at the community of El Pinal. We had the privilege of joining the AP kids in presenting the VBS program to about 69 elementary age children. They were all dressed in their school uniforms as they crowded into the classroom. Juan Miguel, from the AP program, took the lead teaching the lesson today, and did a fantastic job of presenting the material and engaging the children in the activities. The children were very enthusiastic and eagerly volunteered to help put the balls on the demonstration salvation bracelet, and perform the motions to the songs. As Claudia and I shared with each other, it seems the program gets better each day!

One special surprise of today’s program came toward the end, as the principal of the school. Jairo Alberto Enamorado, presented the Honduras Agape Foundation with a certificate of recognition for our collaboration to benefit the education of the children and youth of the community. As Jerry accepted the certificate, he reminded them all that we were there to manifest the love of Christ to the children and their families, and that all the credit for any work done belonged to God alone.

After the deworming medicine and the “swish and spit” fluoride treatment, we had some free time to play with the kids while waiting for our ride to arrive. We pulled out the bubbles, the jump rope, and the all-favorite, the digital camera, to entertain the crowd. A great time was had by us all. To God be the glory!

A special thanks goes out to the municipality of Quimistan for providing a driver and 4-wheel-drive vehicle to take half of our VBS team up the mountain safely.
May the message of the gospel of salvation that you shared in VBS this week bring forth a ripe harvest in these dear children.
ReplyDeleteThey are the promise of Honduras' future!