George Dewhirst and Andrea, our translator, led them through the creation of the Salvation Bracelet. Father John demonstrated the very large beads. The color of each bead has a significant biblical meaning, i.e. yellow is Heaven, black is Sin, red is Jesus blood, white is cleansing our sins, and green is growth in faith. We practiced each of the songs, which accompany this project, and read the Bible verses. Andrea continued to keep us all honest on what each of the colors represent. This is a great project with meaningful messages for their spiritual development and growth. The team is off early Monday morning to visit the first school.

On Saturday afternoon, Ken and June, along with Maynor, our local HAF administrator, went to see one of the villages, Teoxintales, which First Presbyterian Church adopted for 2009. It took about 2 hours to get there over winding mountainous roads, which were muddy from an early morning rain. It was truly an adventure!
The village has approximately 300 people, which include 100 children in school. There is a three-room school there that educates children until the 6th grade. Since the local Junior High school is too far to commute, this is all the education the majority of the children receive.

It is principally a farming community whose products include coffee, cardamom, corn and beans. We had the opportunity to meet several of the village townsmen, who gave us a tour. They also invited us to have a cup of their homegrown coffee, which was excellent.

The medical brigade, doctor, nurse and medical supplies, which we sponsor, visited this village in November. There had been no medical support there up to this time. With the donation from First Presbyterian Church, the medical brigade will be able to visit the village every two months at no cost to the people.

Ken & June
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