We went to La Montanita today. On the way, I was struck by two things. The natural beauty of the country which stood in sharpe contrast to a level of poverty not seen in the USA. There is poverty; but, in La Montanite, I sensed a spirit of community confidence and, if I may say, a "practical" sense of hope. By "practical", I mean hope founded not on dreams and magic, but on the untapped potential each human was endowed with at Creation. This community spirit is reflected in the efforts to improve their lives. For example, we were invited to the bakery which the HAF helped start a few years ago. We enjoyed coffee and baked goods. This is a point of pride in the village. A moderate success in the efforts of the community to improve. Later, in a meeting with the women regarding handicrafts, I saw their work and their receptiveness to sugestions to expand their wares. One woman said that others have come before, but we, the HAF, come with ideas that they can use. Later, we visited the local school. A real tiny one room affair like our forefathers used. During this meeting, there was give and take regarding the opportunities for the future eduation of the children of this village. There was passion and concern for their children. While for us in the USA, such care for one's children is expected, this is nearly unique in Honduras. In some way, maybe through our efforts, God's presence was felt and a real change is in the making for the better of, if not Honduras as a whole, but at least in one, remote, materially impoverished village. Poor in wordly possessions; but, one, I sensed, with a growing community spirit. Truly, the Holy Spirit is present.
You all continue in our prayers. Thank you for your service.