Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Packing Day for first 2012 Mission

Team preparations have been underway for weeks now and departure is tomorrow. We have been planning, organizing and today - packing the mission trunks.

A very large Thank You goes out to our Evangelism Committee for all of their preparations for Vacational Bible School.  Beyond the lesson plan, music and scripture; the materials needed for hosting several hundred kids in multiple  locations were quite a challenge. Nearly 200 pounds of everything from Bibles to balloons....from music CDs (in Spanish of course) to burlap sacks for the races. The VBS efforts are our first priority followed by some medical work - fluoride treatment, eyeglass fitting, etc.

Pray for us to hear and share His word.  May we be ready for change... for His plan, not ours, is what we truly seek.

We will be in Quimistan from Feb 1st to 10th, and one couple is already in country ahead of the main team.


  1. Praying for God's anointing on your team as you share the love of Christ and the message of the gospel with the children there. I'm praying that the Fruit of the Spirit will be manifest in a mighty way in the lives of your team members and all those who participate in the VBS outreach. Praying that many new "trees" will be planted and others will be brought to fruit bearing! May the harvest be plentiful! To God be the Glory! Karen

  2. And, we, the couple are eager for you to join us. Praying for safe travel. See you soon.
    Sam and Roxanne
