Friday, March 29, 2013

Mission trip – April 6 thru 13

Michael, Leigh and Allie N.
Jimi W.
Deanna and Sydney G.
Rosalind and Kaylee C.
Nancy and Addie R.
Dave W.
Jeff, Abby, and David R.
Amy B.
The next mission trip starts on Saturday, April 6.  Our primary tasks will be VBS at 2 locations, school building construction at Teo, office construction at the White Dove school, and taking the Agape Promises youth on a field trip.
Watch the BLOG and the Aiken Standard for updates on the trip.  Please pray for safe travels and a successful trip.
Michael N.


  1. We all await your blog entries and stories

  2. Praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on your team as you minister and as you bring the VBS program of Jesus the Good Shepherd this week. Praying for much fruit and for the message of Christ's love and provision to be powerfully manifest in and through you!

    Karen L
