Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dia Duo – A Visit to Santa Clara

Following breakfast, the four of us headed out for Santa Clara. Our first stop was the new “White Dove School” for 3-year-olds, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade. Suyapa and 4 other locals have trained in San Pedro Sula to become certified to teach. The classrooms can be seen behind the rising brick building, which is to be the new church.

The first-graders use the classroom on the right. They greeted us collectively with “Good morning”, and individually with “My name is ___”, all in English.

We caught the younger children mostly outside playing a game. They are all housed together in the other building, originally intended as a kitchen.

We visited with a family living in the dilapidated home shown below. The kids I talked to were glad that their new brick home was nearing completion.

We visited several other homes and verified once again the effectiveness of the Justa stoves and the Bio-Sand filters, which have already made an improvement in the health of the community. One especially impressive home was that of Guillermo, who is the brother of Lencho (the builder).

We concluded our visit by spending some quality time with some of the kids, playing ball and blowing bubbles, which for me is  the most fun part of the trip.  After all, it really is about the kids, isn't it?



  1. What a great status update! A bilingual school in a Spanish-speaking mountain community of about 400 people. Drinkable water and smoke-fee stoves. Brick houses replacing stick-and-mud shelters. The community has undergone a dramatic transformation in the last couple of years. It shows what a lot of local initiative and some outside help can accomplish. These kids will have a chance to become healthy, educated, and Christ-centered leaders who can help their country overcome many problems. They will have seen what can be done when people care about people and work together.

  2. Great pictures, Dad! We're thinking of you and praying for you all. Kevin left his conference in PA early yesterday, so he didn't quite get caught in their huge snowstorm - 2nd worst ever in recorded history. Where K was yesterday now has 29 inches of snow! Enjoy the warmth!! (Of the sun and the people...) Love, Diane
