Friday, March 29, 2013

Mission trip – April 6 thru 13

Michael, Leigh and Allie N.
Jimi W.
Deanna and Sydney G.
Rosalind and Kaylee C.
Nancy and Addie R.
Dave W.
Jeff, Abby, and David R.
Amy B.
The next mission trip starts on Saturday, April 6.  Our primary tasks will be VBS at 2 locations, school building construction at Teo, office construction at the White Dove school, and taking the Agape Promises youth on a field trip.
Watch the BLOG and the Aiken Standard for updates on the trip.  Please pray for safe travels and a successful trip.
Michael N.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Now to Sleep

        The team made it home – even a bit early.  Almost a full flight from San Pedro Sula to Atlanta, half full from Atlanta to Augusta.  The arrival drill in Atlanta has been improved with the opening of the new (extra) international building.  There was NO waiting at immigration or at customs (Praise the Lord).  

        Come join a HAF mission trip, you will be blessed.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The end of a successful Dental Team Mission Trip


          Today we finished a most successful Dental Clinic.  One Hundred percent of all the Agape Promise children were examined, had their teeth cleaned, and restorative procedures performed as needed.  Additionally 15 children from La Montanita were treated as well as: Gloria’s daughter, two members of the hospital staff, and our own Dr. Tino – who had no cavities. 

          Randy, Tommy, Maynor, Dr Tino, and several AP students along with Gloria attended the Friday night Tejeras feeding, passing out clothing and sandals donated from St. John's UMC and other Aiken area churches.
Our review showed that the AP students are caring well for their teeth as the number of restorative procedures was down and the number of no cavities was up.  Next year we will hang two charts on the dental clinic walls.  One will be titled “The NO Cavity Club”.  Children’s pictures who have no cavities will be posted on the charts.  Stars will be added for second and subsequent years without a cavity. ” The second chart will be called “The Valiente Club”.   The Valiente Club poster will contain pictures of children who exhibited bravery when visiting the dentist.
           After inventorying all the supplies, the dental clinic trunks were moved to the ranch for storage.  A very enjoyable dinner was had with Sister Martha, her husband Gary, and Dr Tino as our honored guests along with all the team members, our driver, and translator.  As an additional treat Sam and Roxanne joined us.  For dessert we enjoyed a homemade flam as the birth cake for Alan who turned 73 during the trip.

         Saturday we will have breakfast at 8:00, pack the bus, and depart for the airport in San Pedro Sula at 9:00.  It will be a tired bunch of travelers who will lose two hours of sleep Saturday night – time difference between Central Standard and Eastern Standard Time and the start of daylight saving time.  It will take a great effort to make church on time Sunday.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A short 11 hours day at the dental clinic

          Thursday was a light day; we only worked 11 hours running the dental clinic.  We examined and treated 20 children plus two members of the hospital staff.  Several of yesterday’s clients returned for additional procedures.   

           This brings the total of number of Agape Promise children treated to 49.  The 50th child will examined Friday morning along with about 15 children from La Montanita, a hill top village which is some 30 – 45 minute drive from Quimistan.   

           We will close the clinic Friday at 3:00 p.m. so the entire team can participate in the Tejeras feeding program.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The start of a successful 3 day Dental Clinic

          An exhausting day, breakfast at 7:00, dental clinic open at 8:00 and we successfully examined and treated 29 children from the Agape Promises program.  We all worked a very long 12 hours, but were much pleased to see significant improvement in the overall dental health.   


      Many of the children had no cavities and even some had no cavities for a second year in a row.  One new child in the program, an eight year old girl, had four baby teeth       removed and one small cavity filled.  She sat through the entire procedures with a smile and never  flinched.   

           The team was most appreciative of the 3 older AP students who assisted in keeping our “little patients” engaged while they waited their turn.




        Tomorrow we will finish up the Agape Promises children and Friday children from La Montanita will be bused down and treated.