The dental team completed their work on Saturday, March 29. In three days, they treated 67 patients and did 4 exams, 25 cleanings, 92 extractions, and 93 fillings. They had planned to “close shop” at about 4 PM, but they were told that 5 more patients had come, and they all needed extractions. They finished with these five, but there were 5 more, and then more. They finally finished at 6:45 PM.
Since Charlie, Randy, Karen and Dave are leaving today, I asked them for a few summary comments.
Dave - " It's a marvelous thing to see what God can accomplish if people are willing."
Charlie – “Once again the Lord has joined, through His grace and love, the people of Quimistan and our missionary groups. You would think that after all of these years that He could do no more, but I have been blessed beyond compare. God is good. Let us thank him for our friends.”
Karen – How can I summarize in 2-3 sentences my feelings about an experience of a lifetime? As always, I have been blessed beyond measure. God is so good and He uses the beautiful people of Quimistan to show me His perfect love. “
Randy –
“ 1. The joy and encouragement of serving God with fellow Christians.
2. To expectantly watch and know the seeds planted by the team will grow and spread in Quimistan and home.
3. The amazement of what God can accomplish when we go forward in His strength and not our own.
4. How thankful I am for this team’s attitude and gifts. It was a joy to serve with them.”
Lee, Tommy, and Dave completed installation of the new ceiling fans in the men’s dorm room. They will do the same in the women’s dorm room next.
Bruce and Jim began installation of shelving in the Light of the Valley elementary school. The main difficulty was getting our supplies and us over a 10-foot- high gate, since no one has a key for the lock.
We have two men assigned to our team as translators. One is named Arturo, who is 45-50 years. His native home is Bolivia. He and his family lived in Miami for several years, and he worked for a mortgage firm. Last year, he and his wife moved to Santa Clara, which is about 30-40 minutes from Quimistan. They wanted to move there since that was his wife’s native home, and they wanted to start a new church in Santa Clara. They have done this. Arturio is the minister and he talks about this with a lot of passion. When they established the church, they had about 10 attendees. Now, they have about 30, many of them children. Arturo has become a good friend to us.